Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why did I get burned?

This is the question that C has been asking me the past few weeks. How do you explain to a 5yr old that accidents happen and we have no control over them and that the Lord takes the bad and uses it for the good. Never mind the fact that we come out on the other side renewed, blessed, humbled and a whole slew of other words that my otherwise exhausted mind cant think of. Not that we are by any means 'on the other side' of this, but we have come so far in the past 3 months. I was reflecting on piks I had taken in the hospital following C's facial graft and I think 'man how did I get through that'. God's strength and grace has capabilitites to take and keep you where you yourself cant even imagine being. I see his hand all over this accident and still do everyday! So far the answer I keep giving C seems to be suffice until the next time he asks. Sometimes he'll even say 'I wish I didnt get burned'. It breaks my heart and all I can do is take him in my arms and tell him that that will never happen again and that We love him, Jesus loves him and so do a army of other people! I'm waiting for the day that we will understand why a 5yr old had to suffer as he did, but right now we will cling to the fact that God has bigger plans for C and is going to do tremendous things in this little boys life!

C realizes that he looks different. He asked me the other day why people keep staring? He comes up with some hard questions and I'm not sure how to answer him sometimes as they are usually out of the blue and catch me of guard. I told him one time that its because he's so handsome! (because little boys are no longer cute! that term is reserved for little puppies and girls with pigtails) :) He just scrunched his nose up at me said "huh-uh". I pray daily that God would give me the right words to make his young mind understand.

We are still going to muscle school (day rehab) everyday. C is doing amazingly well with his therapy. One of the techs was impressed when she came back from her leave on tues, when she saw C and that he was practically running around the hall. There was some talk of cutting back a day or two and of course they got my hopes up. Next week we still have 5 days of therapy, then the following week we will have 3 days! Thats all banking on C's Jobst garments come in this week or next. Thats the only thing were waiting on!!!! Come on already! I'm trying to be very patient....sometimes it works other times it doesnt! :)

I find that I'm holding my breath sometimes the past several weeks. While we were still in the hospital our home computer crashed, then Marvs truck broke down, then our lawn mower caught fire! Yes we had another ambulance show up along with 2 firetrucks. (We freaked out the neighbors again!) Not to mention with all the rain our property flooded. Praise God we didnt have any water in the basement or shop. If theres anything that I've learned the past several months is that things can be replaced! Its getting late and I feel like I left you hanging, I must rest my weary head for tomorrow will be here before I want it to be! Until next time....Amy

1 comment:

  1. Amy, didn't relize you were still blogging. That is good therapy for you. Im glad to hear & see C is progressing forward. I want you to know i still continue to pray for him. And I pray Gods love and blessing upon your family. You are doing a fantastic Job taking care of all your responsibalites that have been laid upon you, if there is ever a day you want me to go along for the ride or come over and help with laundry, PLEASE just ask. I would love to help out anyway i can. keep looking up. And i will pray god showers you with lots of wisdom to be able to anwser all little C's questions.. Glad you we able to go camping this weekend, I hope it was a possitive experiance.. hugs to you! Tammy
