Sunday, May 30, 2010

worn out

Worn out just about sums it up for me. The first week of day rehab is done and over. Heading into a 4day week this week. I am just about exhausted. I have no energy to even do a load of laundry. If I wasnt writing down all of C's meds I wouldnt know which ones I've given him. That would be really bad. He is getting weaned off 1 right now and tomorrow is the last dose. Slowly but surely.....I was hoping to get some things done this weekend but we have just been sitting and soaking up the sun. (I even let the boys skip their baths last nite...gross I know)

Over all C had a good week in therapy. I have wanted to throw in the towel too many times to count, but from somewhere deep down inside I manage to find an ounce of strength to continue. I drag C by the arm, screaming and crying, while onlookers stare and people offer sympathetic smiles. I just try not to look anymore. C earned a prize everyday and also earned the big prize at the end of the week too. Not sure how much longer he will go for the bribery aspect. If anyone has any other ideas on how to motivate a 5 year old to do painful therapy please do tell. We are up for anything.

We are hoping to have C's feeding tube out and gone by the end of the week, just a goal not saying that it will happen. I am to use my own discretion when to turn it up and down. Its becoming a pain in my backside. C has dealt fine with it. He barely realizes that its in. It has been leaking and thats really annoying. We have to pin it on his shirt during the day so it doesnt hang down and pull on his nose. Any how I feel like I'm complaining a lot. I am tired right now and therefore get a little cranky.

We are enjoying the weekend as best we can. Marvs parents, sister and her family brought us pizza last nite for dinner and we played ball some outside. Tonite we were invited to my mom and dads for a cookout and campfire. C's body tempature gauge isnt working correctly and gets very warm. Then when he's warm he gets itchy like crazy! We ended up leaving early because he was itching like a madman. I cannot wait until we are past this stage in his recovery. Here's hoping you have a relaxing weekend and remember why we celebrate Memorial Day! Until next time....


  1. Amy, I'll pray for your strength... My Tate always responded really well to a sticker chart for motivation.. I know Pat Catans has lots of reaaly small trinkety toys he could earn also, there were some animal shaped rubber bands that I looked at too, I know you mentioned that he earned prizes.. My thought is "more prizes" Do you know when he'll be done completely? (I'd imagine you don't) but my thought was some sort of a chart that he can mark off, so that he can see that there is an end, if you know what I mean... Like some sort of a calender or something? May God give you peace of mind, I'll be praying for you Amy :)

  2. Amy, we pray for you often and i keep our church updated also. We have many prayer warriors who make it their ministry to pray for others. Hang in there and let God carry you through the impossible moments. I'm praying that you will also find times of enjoyment and blessing through all this.
